2022 Photo Contest Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Photography Contest. We are having a reception for the winners on Saturday, November 12 from 4:30-6PM. Winning photos will be on display. 

Best in Show- Megan McKay
Judge's Big Wow- Chin Rodgers

Travel or Landscape
1st Place- Megan McKay
2nd Place- Jack Kleinman
3rd Place- Lisa Bangert
Honorable Mention- Erin Cross

1st Place- Chin Rodgers
2nd Place- Marlene Jaglinski
3rd Place- Leena Meyers
Honorable Mention- Megan McKay
Honorable Mention- Glenn Meyers

1st Place- Megan McKay
2nd Place- Glenn Meyers
3rd Place- Clarice Ewers
Honorable Mention- Judith Kaiser

1st Place- Lisa Bangert
2nd Place- Erin Cross
3rd Place- Dane Miller

Black & White
1st Place- Leena Meyers
2nd Place- John Phillips
3rd Place- Jack Kleinman
Honorable Mention- Megan McKay

Still Life
1st Place- Chin Rodgers
2nd Place- Jack Kleinman
3rd Place- Mary Bonfiglio

Close Up/Macro
1st Place- Chin Rodgers
2nd Place- Joseph Eichers

Photo Manipulation
1st Place- Leena Meyers
2nd Place- Jack Kleinman

1st Place- Torben Jaglinski
2nd Place- Thomas Bellin
3rd Place- Simon Verheyen