Friends is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1982. Our mission is to support our community’s most family-friendly resource, the Whitefish Bay Public Library, by providing financial and volunteer resources that will have a positive impact on the library and its patrons.
Monthly board meetings are held September through June on the 3rd Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in the 2nd floor library meeting room.
Friends Contributions to the library in 2023

Support the Library Through Ebay
News for Ebay shoppers!
Looking for antiquarian books and books of special value?
Please check out Friends' seller number "Baybooks53217FWFBL" on Ebay. Purchases of books listed there will benefit Friends.
Current Board of Directors
President: Leah Dean
Vice President: Linda Timm
Secretary: Maureen Hart-Donahue
Treasurer: Vicky Dargis
Current Board Members
Acquisitions: Jennifer West
Book Room: Emily Burkholder
Donations and Book Sorting Coordinator: Francine Curtis
eBay Sales and Research: Jan Concannon
Membership: Ellen Mei
Newsletter Editor: Steph Salvia
Publicity/Community Relations: Emily Hartmann
Volunteers: Reesa Gottschalk
At Large Members: Dianne Messar, Christine Perez, Alice Rozek, Joanne Johnson, Mary Trainor
Honorary Board Member: Helen Dooley