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Stories of Refugees

by Kayla Livingston Posted Jul 23, 2019

Here are some book recommendations that shed light on the refugee experience.

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Biographical Picture Books

by Valerie Morris Posted Jul 10, 2019

Are you looking for some summer reads to share with the kids? Here is a list of some wonderful and inspiring nonfiction picture books that are new on our shelves. These books are perfect for kids in grades 1-5.

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Mobile Printing and Printing from Home

by Scott Lenski Posted Jun 29, 2019

We’ve all been there. You have a ticket, boarding pass, school project or paper you need to print and your printer has run out of ink. The library has made it even easier to print from your phone, tablet, or even your desktop computer from home! And you do not need to have a library card in order to print.

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Something to Be Merry About

by Ina Margulis Posted Jun 14, 2019

Here we are- in June- Wedding Season for many families including mine. It comes with excitement and joy, hope and good feelings for the young couples. It also brings back sweet memories of the old days. Good romantic movies or books are a great inspiration for recreating that spirit. I am tempted to take a memory walk through some oldies that will put me in the right spot in preparation for this season.

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