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The Summer of Middlemarch

by Sharon Nagel Posted Jun 11, 2019

For me the summer means more time to read, and specifically, if the weather is decent, more time to listen to audiobooks. I love to listen to audiobooks when I walk, either running errands or just walking by the lake. It seems that many people are now listening to podcasts while they commute to work, but I haven’t made that leap. I often choose audiobooks that I don’t think I will be able to read in the traditional manner. A few years ago, I listened to War and Peace in its entirety while I walked to work. This summer, I have chosen Middlemarch. This is a book I have always wanted to read, but never have. One of my favorite customers at the bookstore where I used to work told me that it was her favorite book ever, and I often wished that I could have discussed it with her.

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Nonfiction Reads for the Summer

by Kayla Livingston Posted May 29, 2019

Now that I’ve completed my education I’ve decided to tackle that HUGE to be read (TBR) pile that I’ve started. I got into non-fiction by researching environmental history for an independent study in my undergraduate degree. This has led to me branching out in various historical periods that I may have otherwise over looked. Oral history is a large part of non-fiction that I consume; most of the books I read involve intimate stories from people affected by the events being discussed. The following books have a mix of historical research and oral history that combine for an easy and intimate read.

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Classic Children's Literature

by Valerie Morris Posted May 18, 2019

The Whitefish Bay Public Library’s youth services department is excited to add to the collection some classic children’s literature that you have probably never heard of but that you and your children will find delightful! We received a generous donation, from the local group Literary Journey, to make the purchase of titles from the New York Review Children’s Collection. Listed below are a few highlights.

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Spring and Summer Reading

by Sharon Nagel Posted Apr 15, 2019

There is only about a month left in the spring semester at UWM, and that means that soon I will be free from academic responsibilities for the summer. I haven’t been this excited about a summer off since I was a kid. For some people, summer means family vacations, camping, and all kinds of outdoor activities. For me, it means more time to read! Here are some of the titles coming out this summer that I am excited about.

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