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Keeping Track of Your Reading

by Kayla Livingston Posted Nov 8, 2018

When you walk into the library or a bookstore have you ever had to stop and think, did I read this? Do I own this? I’ve accidentally purchased a book I already own and haven’t read, I’ve been stopped by a book cover and thought ‘I have to read this’ only to discover I’ve already checked it out from the library. In order to combat this and save everyone involved some time and money, I’ve started to track my reading. It’s difficult to create a new habit but I’ve found pleasure in being able to look back and see what I’ve accomplished for the year. From the time I joined Goodreads my challenge has been to read more than twelve books a year. This year it was twenty and I’m sitting at twenty-six. Not only has tracking my reading encouraged me to read more but it has pushed me to explore other genres and formats. Have you ever thought about tracking your reading? There are plenty of outlets, Goodreads, Libib, Microsoft Excel, and of course the good old-fashioned pen and paper.

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Science Fiction Favorites

by Scott Lenski Posted Nov 1, 2018

I like a story that takes me far and away from Earth’s atmosphere. It can be fun to fantasize about the future and imagine what life lived in space will look like. Science fiction has grown in popularity over the years and shows such as Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and more recently The Expanse have brought this genre to larger audiences. There are a lot of exciting and adventure filled space operas that have been published in the last few years. Here are a few of my favorite sci-fi series novels.

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True Crime Documentaries

by Allison Fantetti Posted Oct 27, 2018

People everywhere have been anxiously waiting for season two of Netflix’s original true crime show, Making a Murderer. In this show the reporter examines the life of Steven Avery, who spent almost two decades in prison for a crime he did not commit. It also examines the possibility of his involvement with a missing woman, Teresa Halback, last seen on his property. Avery’s story has caught attention of Wisconsin residents in particular because he is from Manitowoc County. Now that season two has been released you might be looking for your next true crime fix.

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Currently on my To-Read Pile

by Sharon Nagel Posted Oct 17, 2018

I have started my first semester in Graduate School studying Library and Information Sciences. Much to my dismay, I have no time for recreational reading. This is a huge adjustment for me. In order to cope, I have compiled a stack of book that I am looking forwarding to reading once the semester ends. Many of them are available at the library now, so they might be of interest to you.

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