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4 Audiobooks Perfect for a Road Trip

by Emma Fisher Posted Mar 29, 2018

Driving somewhere for spring break? Try one of these great audiobooks!

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Historical Fiction for 4th Grade and Up

by Valerie Morris Posted Mar 16, 2018

We, as readers, have the wonderful opportunity to live the lives of others through books. As a lover of history, I feel we have so much to learn from our past; to know where we came from, to learn how far we have yet to go, and to understand other peoples’ lives and perspectives. Listed here are some of my favorite historical fiction books for those in fourth grade and up (adults too).

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by Anders Aasheim Posted Mar 14, 2018

While manga has become a mainstay of popular culture, many have yet to explore this exciting art form. Read on for a brief overview of manga and some suggested titles.

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Edible Book Festival Recap 2018

by Scott Lenski Posted Mar 12, 2018

The library hosted our 5th annual Edible Book Festival in March. An edible book is an item that looks like a book, puns on a title, refers to a character, or just has something to do with books. The only rule is that entries must be made from edible ingredients. During the festival, all who attend get to vote on their favorite edible books. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone that participated. We hope to see you back in 2019!

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