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Comics and Graphic Novels on Hoopla

by Anders Aasheim Posted Dec 21, 2017

One of the recent major arrivals on the digital download resource Hoopla is Marvel Comics. Notable additions include the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Avengers, and Star Wars comics. I have highlighted some of the comics and graphic novels available through Hoopla, both from Marvel and other publishers.

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New Historical Fiction

by Karl Suechting Posted Dec 14, 2017

Historical fiction has always been one of my favorite genres, and 2017 has been a great year for new books in this genre. Read about a few that have captured the imagination of readers across the world.

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All-Time Favorite Reads

Posted Dec 7, 2017

Emma is currently our Youth Services Intern as she studies for her Master in Library and Information Science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. This week she shares some of her all-time favorite reads.

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Upcoming Book to TV Adaptations

by Scott Lenski Posted Nov 28, 2017

We are in a golden age of television. Long episodic storytelling is very fashionable and we’re seeing a lot of books being adapted in TV shows for network, cable channels, as well as streaming services. Television does a great job of translating books onto the small screen in comparison to feature films because TV can take it’s time telling the story. When you’ve got a 700 page book, there is so much left out of a 2-hour film adaptation. Get your Tivo or DVR ready for these upcoming book to TV adaptations.

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