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Audiobooks for Traveling Adults

by Posted Nov 8, 2019

Thanks to Valerie for offering some fun family books in the previous blog post. For those people traveling alone or who need a break from the holidays here are some adult audiobooks to dive into. The following audiobooks contain a cast of interesting characters and wonderful voice actors that bring them to life. These are all excellent titles that I would recommend to pass the time on those long drives or flights this holiday season.

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Audiobooks for Family Road Trips

by Posted Nov 1, 2019

With the snow falling early this year, I thought it was a good time to recommend some favorite audiobooks that the whole family can enjoy during the upcoming vacation road trips. This is a collection of audiobooks covering mystery, fantasy, realistic fiction, and adventure and recommended for 2nd grade and up.

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The Summer of Middlemarch

by Posted Jun 11, 2019

For me the summer means more time to read, and specifically, if the weather is decent, more time to listen to audiobooks. I love to listen to audiobooks when I walk, either running errands or just walking by the lake. It seems that many people are now listening to podcasts while they commute to work, but I haven’t made that leap. I often choose audiobooks that I don’t think I will be able to read in the traditional manner. A few years ago, I listened to War and Peace in its entirety while I walked to work. This summer, I have chosen Middlemarch. This is a book I have always wanted to read, but never have. One of my favorite customers at the bookstore where I used to work told me that it was her favorite book ever, and I often wished that I could have discussed it with her.

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My Favorites

by Posted Aug 9, 2018

Recently there has been a Facebook trend going around asking you to post your seven favorite books without comment. As an aspiring librarian I thought it would be a better idea to encourage others to post their favorite books and why. So here are seven books that have helped me on my path to becoming a librarian.

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Is Listening to Audiobooks Really Considered Reading?

by Posted Jul 16, 2018

I don’t know why this continues to be an argument among book folk. There seem to be two sides to this argument. Those of us who adore audiobooks and listen to them whenever we can, most definitely consider them to be reading, and the other side who does not.

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SYNC Audio Returns

by Posted May 9, 2018

Teens and fans of young adult works will be happy to hear that SYNC is back.

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4 Audiobooks Perfect for a Road Trip

by Posted Mar 29, 2018

Driving somewhere for spring break? Try one of these great audiobooks!

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Audiobook Recommendations

by Posted Dec 8, 2016

Do you have a long and looming card ride in your future? Help to pass the time by listening to an audiobook. We’ve got quite a few new titles to keep you tuned in during your drive.

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