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The library hosted our Annual Edible Book Festival in April. An edible book is an item that looks like a book, puns on a title, refers to a character, or just has something to do with books. The only rule is that entries must be made from edible ingredients. During the festival, all who attend get to vote on their favorite edible books. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone that participated. We had a lot of amazing entries so thank you and we hope to see you back in 2025 as we celebrate 10 years of the Edible Book Festival at our library!
The library hosted our Annual Edible Book Festival in April. An edible book is an item that looks like a book, puns on a title, refers to a character, or just has something to do with books. The only rule is that entries must be made from edible ingredients. During the festival, all who attend get to vote on their favorite edible books. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone that participated. We had a lot of amazing entries so thank you and we hope to see you back in 2024!
The library hosted our Annual Edible Book Festival in April. An edible book is an item that looks like a book, puns on a title, refers to a character, or just has something to do with books. The only rule is that entries must be made from edible ingredients. During the festival, all who attend get to vote on their favorite edible books. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone that participated. The last two years we held the festival virtually, so it was nice to return to in person. We hope to see you back in 2023!
Here are the entries for our 2021 Virtual Edible Book Festival. Vote for your favorites now through the end of the day on Sunday, April 25.
The Edible Book Festival returns, this time in virtual form. Have you always wanted to participate, but couldn’t find the time? Then this is your year! Make an edible creation, or check out the creativity of others!
The library hosted our 5th annual Edible Book Festival in March. An edible book is an item that looks like a book, puns on a title, refers to a character, or just has something to do with books. The only rule is that entries must be made from edible ingredients. During the festival, all who attend get to vote on their favorite edible books. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone that participated. We hope to see you back in 2019!