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Favorites So Far

by Posted Oct 4, 2024

My reading goal for the year is 75 books. Right now I am at 59. This seems like a good time to talk about some of my favorites of 2024 so far.

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Black History Month

by Posted Feb 4, 2022

February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate the achievements of those in the African-American community, and recognize their many contributions to our society. Black History Month was founded in 1926 by historian Carter G. Woodson as a way to educate the public on the significant role African-Americans have played in our country’s history. The month of February was chosen by Woodson because it is the birth month of President Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, both of whom fought for civil rights. Black History Month was made a month of national observance in 1976 by President Gerald Ford, and every year there is a theme for Black History Month; this year’s theme is “Black Health and Wellness”.

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Book Rec- Honey Girl

by Posted Apr 1, 2021

Morgan Rogers novel Honey Girl is the perfect read for anyone that is between the ages of 28-31 or remembers that age. The main character, Grace Porter is a recent PhD graduate in Astronomy and is having a bit of a life crisis. After years of having a plan and structure Grace is suddenly taken out of that element and thrust into a job field that isn’t ready to accept a black, lesbian woman. While on a girls trip to Vegas to celebrate her recent graduation Grace meets and drunkenly marries Yuki Yamamoto, a waitress and night talk show host from New York.

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Classic novels-time for a revisit?

by Posted Dec 11, 2020

This time of year always has me thinking about snowfalls, crackling fires, decorated trees, and a cozy blanket to curl up in and read a good book. If the hectic holiday season is wearing you out, a classic novel might be just what you need to slow down and relax. Classic literature is often referred to as “Great Books” but why is that? The reason stems from a type of literature that stands the test of time due to classic themes, quality writing and deemed to have great scholarly value. Even though many of these novels were written well over 100 years ago they still have relevance for our modern society. These classics are found by academics to improve language and writing skills as well as critical thinking. Even though some views expressed in the classics may be quite dated or even shocking, it’s also a testament to how society has progressed over the years.

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Pandemic Reading

by Posted Nov 10, 2020

One of the few bright spots of the pandemic is that I have more time to read. It also helps that I graduated from grad school in May and no longer have studying to do or papers to write. According to my Goodreads account where I keep track of the books I read, I have read 80 books in 2020. I thought I would mention a few of the ones that I thought really stood out. They are listed in the order in which I read them.

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The Summer of Middlemarch

by Posted Jun 11, 2019

For me the summer means more time to read, and specifically, if the weather is decent, more time to listen to audiobooks. I love to listen to audiobooks when I walk, either running errands or just walking by the lake. It seems that many people are now listening to podcasts while they commute to work, but I haven’t made that leap. I often choose audiobooks that I don’t think I will be able to read in the traditional manner. A few years ago, I listened to War and Peace in its entirety while I walked to work. This summer, I have chosen Middlemarch. This is a book I have always wanted to read, but never have. One of my favorite customers at the bookstore where I used to work told me that it was her favorite book ever, and I often wished that I could have discussed it with her.

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Spring and Summer Reading

by Posted Apr 15, 2019

There is only about a month left in the spring semester at UWM, and that means that soon I will be free from academic responsibilities for the summer. I haven’t been this excited about a summer off since I was a kid. For some people, summer means family vacations, camping, and all kinds of outdoor activities. For me, it means more time to read! Here are some of the titles coming out this summer that I am excited about.

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