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Posts by Kayla Livingston

New Nonfiction for adults

by Kayla Livingston Posted Apr 19, 2022

Here are some recently added titles that will be going onto my TBR list.

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Love and Other Disasters

by Kayla Livingston Posted Feb 14, 2022

Do you love cooking shows and cute romance novels? Then this is the book for you. Try out Love & other disasters by Anita Kelly. This cute queer romance covers all the emotional bases for an excellent romcom. The characters are strong, the plot is light, and the background is original. It’s perfect for a Valentine’s day read or listen. Spend your day with a good book and treat yourself to some sugary sweets while you chow down on this great read.

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Horror reads

by Kayla Livingston Posted Oct 2, 2021

It’s time to get SPOOKY! Halloween is this librarian's favorite holiday. We watch scary movies to help put us in the October mood so let’s check out some creepy reads.

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New Books in my To-Be-Read Pile

by Kayla Livingston Posted Jul 1, 2021

The downfalls of being a librarian is you’ll never get rid of that to be read (TBR) pile but you’ll always have something to read! Here are some new books I’m adding to my TBR, take a minute to read these blurbs and see if any of them interest you. Branch out beyond your normal genre or subject matter to explore something you may have never thought about reading before.

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Got a favorite? Try a read alike!

by Kayla Livingston Posted Apr 16, 2021

Having a hard time trying to find your next read? Want something similar to the book you loved and just finished? Here are some of the popular books that you might have read and some books that are similar to them.

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Book Rec- Honey Girl

by Kayla Livingston Posted Apr 1, 2021

Morgan Rogers novel Honey Girl is the perfect read for anyone that is between the ages of 28-31 or remembers that age. The main character, Grace Porter is a recent PhD graduate in Astronomy and is having a bit of a life crisis. After years of having a plan and structure Grace is suddenly taken out of that element and thrust into a job field that isn’t ready to accept a black, lesbian woman. While on a girls trip to Vegas to celebrate her recent graduation Grace meets and drunkenly marries Yuki Yamamoto, a waitress and night talk show host from New York.

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Invisible Life of Addie Larue

by Kayla Livingston Posted Nov 20, 2020

You’ve likely heard about The Invisible life of Addie Larue by V.E. Schwab, it’s receiving a lot of attention right now. The story starts in 1700s France, where we get a brief introduction to Adeline LaRue before we jump forward in time to 2014. The “chapters” jump between past and present and there are seven parts to this book with corresponding fictional artwork. As the story unfolds we begin to see how Addie has lived for 300 years, she made a bargain and like most bargains made with Gods there are consequences. Addie is forgotten by everyone she knows and everyone she is destined to meet but she is given the gift of immortality.

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Graphic Novels for Adults

by Kayla Livingston Posted Jul 22, 2020

Graphic novels are not just for kids and teens, there are plenty of graphic novels for adults. They’re also not just a medium for fiction, some graphic novels are a great way to showcase history without the heavy text of a book. Here are a couple new graphic novels that I’m looking forward to reading this summer.

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We Love Libraries and Librarians

by Kayla Livingston Posted Feb 19, 2020

Some of my favorite books are books about reading and writing. Our current love your library display has several books related to the library. Check some of them out or place a hold.

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Audiobooks for Traveling Adults

by Kayla Livingston Posted Nov 8, 2019

Thanks to Valerie for offering some fun family books in the previous blog post. For those people traveling alone or who need a break from the holidays here are some adult audiobooks to dive into. The following audiobooks contain a cast of interesting characters and wonderful voice actors that bring them to life. These are all excellent titles that I would recommend to pass the time on those long drives or flights this holiday season.

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Researching Your Family Tree

by Kayla Livingston Posted Sep 12, 2019

Summer is coming to an end and the kids are back in school. Do you find yourself with a lot of free time? Maybe you want to dig into history but picking up a non-fiction book is a bit daunting? Try looking into your own family history as genealogy has become an interesting topic to library patrons from all over the country. Most of you may be familiar with but you may not realize that the library has an edition you can use for FREE. Not only do you have access to Ancestry but we have the site that has an entire world wide collection to look from. This can provide users with past obituaries or articles that relatives might be found in.

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Stories of Refugees

by Kayla Livingston Posted Jul 23, 2019

Here are some book recommendations that shed light on the refugee experience.

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Nonfiction Reads for the Summer

by Kayla Livingston Posted May 29, 2019

Now that I’ve completed my education I’ve decided to tackle that HUGE to be read (TBR) pile that I’ve started. I got into non-fiction by researching environmental history for an independent study in my undergraduate degree. This has led to me branching out in various historical periods that I may have otherwise over looked. Oral history is a large part of non-fiction that I consume; most of the books I read involve intimate stories from people affected by the events being discussed. The following books have a mix of historical research and oral history that combine for an easy and intimate read.

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Learn Something New with our Digital Resources

by Kayla Livingston Posted Mar 30, 2019

Did you know your library has a ton of resources for you to take advantage of? We have access to a variety of databases and applications that you can use with your library card or just by coming into the library and using our wifi! Here are some of the top library apps and databases that you’ll likely be interested in!

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Winter is Coming: Book Recs for Game of Thrones fans

by Kayla Livingston Posted Feb 6, 2019

Winter is here and for those of you that are Game of Thrones, fans winter is also coming in April with the premiere of the final season. So while you’re trying to stay warm curl up on the couch and travel to Westeros. Rewatch all your favorite episodes by checking out the DVDs we have all the seasons just waiting for you. If you’re looking to start your yearly reading goal with a challenge stop by and grab copies of the books, use Libby to check out the E-book and E-Audiobook versions. Whatever you need to get you through til April.

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Keeping Track of Your Reading

by Kayla Livingston Posted Nov 8, 2018

When you walk into the library or a bookstore have you ever had to stop and think, did I read this? Do I own this? I’ve accidentally purchased a book I already own and haven’t read, I’ve been stopped by a book cover and thought ‘I have to read this’ only to discover I’ve already checked it out from the library. In order to combat this and save everyone involved some time and money, I’ve started to track my reading. It’s difficult to create a new habit but I’ve found pleasure in being able to look back and see what I’ve accomplished for the year. From the time I joined Goodreads my challenge has been to read more than twelve books a year. This year it was twenty and I’m sitting at twenty-six. Not only has tracking my reading encouraged me to read more but it has pushed me to explore other genres and formats. Have you ever thought about tracking your reading? There are plenty of outlets, Goodreads, Libib, Microsoft Excel, and of course the good old-fashioned pen and paper.

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Exciting Nonfiction Reads

by Kayla Livingston Posted Sep 25, 2018

Enjoy the mix of knowledge and storytelling with these great non-fiction reads.

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My Favorites

by Kayla Livingston Posted Aug 9, 2018

Recently there has been a Facebook trend going around asking you to post your seven favorite books without comment. As an aspiring librarian I thought it would be a better idea to encourage others to post their favorite books and why. So here are seven books that have helped me on my path to becoming a librarian.

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