
thumbnail New! Youth Services Education Collection

by Valerie Morris on September 22, 2020
Tags: kids () , parenting () , educational ()

The Youth Services Department has gathered together a collection of educational books to help support our families and students. This new collection is currently on display in our department. It includes books covering a wide range of needs from homeschooling and alternative-schooling strategies, reading and writing guides, educational philosophies, emotional/social learning, study skills and time management and much more. Here are some highlights from our new collection!

Where’s the Math? Books, Games, & Routines to Spark Children’s Thinking – National Association for the Education of Young Children

(372.21 H997 EDU)

Where’s the Math? emphasizes the concept of mathematizing which means seeing math in our daily routines and using mathematical language and concepts to analyze and explore our world. Educational experts agree that this way of thinking and learning about math is critical to helping children understand, use, and stay engaged with math starting at an early age. This book provides lots of ideas to add math concepts, such as matching and sorting, patterns, measurement, and spatial relationships, to your child’s daily routine.

Raising a Rock-Star Reader: 75 Quick Tips to Help Your Child Develop a Lifelong Love of Reading(372.42 M395 EDU) 

Setting the Stage for Rock Star Readers: Help Young Children Develop a Lifelong Love of Reading – Amy Mascott (372.42 M395 EDU) 

These two books provide great tips for raising a reader and nurturing a lifelong love of reading. It all starts from day one with a child’s first books, reading aloud, reading activities in everyday life, and games to develop reading skills. The author, Allison McDonald, is the creator of one of our favorite educational blogs, No Time for Flash Cards!

The Call of the Wild + Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child's Education – Ainsley Arment (372.1042 A728 EDU)

The Wild + Free educational approach focuses on making the entire world your child’s classroom. The movement embraces the love of nature, reading, hobbies, and nurturing a child’s natural curiosity. This book provides advice, information and inspiration for creating a positive, quality homeschooling experience or for supplementing a traditional education for children.

The Montessori Toddler: a Parent's Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being – Simone Davies (371.392 D255 EDU)

Aimed towards parents of one to three-year-olds, The Montessori Toddler guides parents on how to bring the Montessori principles into the education and upbringing of toddlers. Montessori emphasizes trusting the child, mutual respect, discovery, and curiosity in the everyday routine.


Confident Parents, Confident Kids: Raising Emotional Intelligence in Ourselves and Our Kids-from Toddlers to Teenagers– Jennifer S. Miller (649.1 M648 EDU)

Confident Parents, Confident Kids lays out an approach for helping parents-and the kids they love-hone their emotional intelligence so that they can make wise choices, connect and communicate well with others (even when patience is thin), and become socially competent and confident human beings. Parents can learn about such things as knowing and understanding the various emotional ages and stages of children and how to model emotional intelligence for their children.