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Researching Your Family Tree

by Posted Sep 12, 2019

Summer is coming to an end and the kids are back in school. Do you find yourself with a lot of free time? Maybe you want to dig into history but picking up a non-fiction book is a bit daunting? Try looking into your own family history as genealogy has become an interesting topic to library patrons from all over the country. Most of you may be familiar with but you may not realize that the library has an edition you can use for FREE. Not only do you have access to Ancestry but we have the site that has an entire world wide collection to look from. This can provide users with past obituaries or articles that relatives might be found in.

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Learn Something New with our Digital Resources

by Posted Mar 30, 2019

Did you know your library has a ton of resources for you to take advantage of? We have access to a variety of databases and applications that you can use with your library card or just by coming into the library and using our wifi! Here are some of the top library apps and databases that you’ll likely be interested in!

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