
thumbnail Classic Children's Literature

by Valerie Morris on May 18, 2019
Tags: kids () , classics () , middle-grade ()

The Whitefish Bay Public Library’s youth services department is excited to add to the collection some classic children’s literature that you have probably never heard of that you and your children will find delightful! We received a generous donation, from the local group Literary Journey, to make the purchase of titles from the New York Review Children’s Collection. Listed below are a few highlights.

Secret of the Ron Mor Skerry – Rosalie K. Fry (X FRY)

This beautifully-written tale involving the love of family and Scottish folklore was originally published in 1957 and written by Canadian author Rosalie K. Fry. The story starts with Fionna returning to the Western Isles of Scotland to live with her grandparents while her family lives and works in the city. Fionna was born on the smallest of the isles where her family had lived for generations. Life on the isles is quiet until Fionna discovers that her long lost baby brother, Jamie, may have been found on the island. Jamie is a selkie, a mythical half-human half-seal creature. Ron Mor Skerry inspired the 1994 film, The Secret of Roan Inish.


Jenny and the Cat Club – Esther Averill (X AVER)

Originally written in 1944, Jenny and the Cat Club tells of the adventures of a cat named Jenny who lives with an old sea captain in Greenwich Village in New York City. Jenny longs to join the local cat club and partake in all of the club’s exciting adventures.


Kingdom of Carbonel – Barbara Sleigh (X SLEI)

Kingdom of Carbonel, written in 1961, is the second book of a three book series including, Carbonel: the King of the Cats (1955) and Carbonel and Calidor: Being the Further Adventures of a Royal Cat (1978). Carbonel is a black cat living in an English town. In the first book, he was purchased by Rosemary at the market from a witch named Mrs. Cantrip who had put a magic spell on him. Now, Carbonel is the king of the cats in Cat Country along with his queen Blandamour. Together with their friends and the magic of Mrs. Cantrip, they must fight to keep the throne and Cat Country safe from the wicked cat Grisana.


Seacrow Island – Astrid Lindgren (X LIND)

From the author of Pippi Longstocking comes this tale of island life in the Baltic Sea originally published in 1964. The four Melkerson children move to Seacrow Island with their father. They soon discover all the adventures to be had on the island as well as all the interesting locals who live there.