Posts by Liza Glowacki
by Liza Glowacki Posted Oct 21, 2024
Every night I open up my Netflix app and swipe aimlessly for about half an hour, trying to pick something good to watch, until finally giving up. Yes, I give up, but I must admit that scrolling around for half an hour is also quite relaxing. I get to find titles I never would have come up upon had I just picked my straight go to movie or show. The other day, the newly released, LeBron produced movie called Rez Ball came up. I was so excited because I hadn’t heard of the book title being made into a movie. I knew about the book, and I was beyond excited when it came to print. With that being said, I recommend reading the book and them watching the movie.
by Liza Glowacki Posted Oct 30, 2023
As much fun as afterschool gaming with your friends can be, sometimes you might just want a book to relax with. So below are a few titles inspired by video games or popular apps. Enjoy!
by Liza Glowacki Posted Mar 1, 2023
Black History Month runs from February 1st to March 1st , and I thought it would be amazing to highlight some picture books dedicated to trailblazers, activists, and authors that redefined society and brought incredible contributions to our world. These books offer incredible illustrations and historical context for children and adults alike.
by Liza Glowacki Posted Nov 23, 2022
I’m grateful for warm days, bikes, my family and all their quirks; for friends that never leave your side and loyal dogs that love to cuddle. I’m grateful for new books, good food, and movement. What are you grateful for this holiday season? For every one of us the memory and relevance is different, but equally important. Giving thanks and expressing gratitude is one of the simplest forms of joy. It invites others to express their gratitude and is contagious in its form.
by Liza Glowacki Posted Sep 2, 2022
Say it isn’t so, Summer has come and gone. The last days of August bring in a slight chill to the air as the sun starts to set slightly earlier, but the most exciting thing about August is the return to school!! Have you bought your school supplies yet, are you ready for that meet and greet, toured the school, found out who’s class you are in this year? What about cookies with k4, team practice, the last of the class playdates? There are so many exciting events that welcome you back to a new year of learning and promote the joy of discovering who your new teacher and classmates are, and as exciting as that may be, sometimes all of that may come with some consternations as well. Never fear, here are some book recommendations to ease those worries and help with those big feelings as our little (and big kids) make their way back into the classrooms.
by Liza Glowacki Posted Jul 7, 2022
This week we’ll be talking plastics. July is plastic free month and in honor of summertime and all things one time use it is only fair to highlight some of the many ways in which plastic can ease into our lives, and of course some ways to ease off of those pesky polymers.