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Celebrating Ice Cream!

by Taylor Camara Posted Aug 5, 2021

July was National Ice Cream month! As if anyone needed another excuse to get a cold treat on a Wisconsin summer day, you can also satisfy those cravings with a few titles from our picture book collection! If you’d like to know how it’s made, all about ice cream trucks, sharing your ice cream with friends, and more, I’ve complied a few titles from our collection here at the library to share with your family, friends, and classroom. Lastly, if you’d like to truly celebrate National Ice Cream Month with reading AND eating (but please, not at the same time!) I’ve also paired some great local ice cream spots in the Milwaukee area with the titles.

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We LOVE our Wisconsin Authors

by Sharon Nagel Posted Jul 19, 2021

One of the projects that I have been working on at the library is a spreadsheet of all of the Wisconsin authors that we have in our collection. I am marking the physical books with a sticker that says Wisconsin Author. We are by no means representing all of the authors in the world that have a Wisconsin connection, but just that ones that we have in our collection at the Whitefish Bay Public Library. Much of the initial research was done by Samantha Spottek, who was one of our librarians, but has taken another job up north. I have added to her list and verified the residence or connection of these writers to our state.

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New Books in my To-Be-Read Pile

by Kayla Livingston Posted Jul 1, 2021

The downfalls of being a librarian is you’ll never get rid of that to be read (TBR) pile but you’ll always have something to read! Here are some new books I’m adding to my TBR, take a minute to read these blurbs and see if any of them interest you. Branch out beyond your normal genre or subject matter to explore something you may have never thought about reading before.

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