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Must-Read YA Books for National Mental Health Awareness Month

by Taylor Camara Posted Apr 29, 2022

Mental illness continues to be one of the most stigmatized topics in society when approximately 1 in 5 adults and 1 in 3 teenagers have experienced some form of mental illness in the last year ( As the last two years has been marked with grave uncertainty, loss, and grief – whether it for someone, something, or our “normal life” pre-COVID, many have sought help, support, or information from healthcare professionals, the internet, and literature.

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Edible Book Festival Recap 2022

Posted Apr 23, 2022

The library hosted our Annual Edible Book Festival in April. An edible book is an item that looks like a book, puns on a title, refers to a character, or just has something to do with books. The only rule is that entries must be made from edible ingredients. During the festival, all who attend get to vote on their favorite edible books. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone that participated. The last two years we held the festival virtually, so it was nice to return to in person. We hope to see you back in 2023!

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New Nonfiction for adults

by Kayla Livingston Posted Apr 19, 2022

Here are some recently added titles that will be going onto my TBR list.

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Pick your doorway

by Laura Reilly Posted Apr 9, 2022

Librarians are often asked, “Can you recommend a book for me?” With so many books to choose from the list can get pretty long before finding a good fit for a patron. Therefore, librarians often rely on the Four Doorways method created by librarian Nancy Pearl. The four doorways represent different aspects of a fiction or narrative non-fiction book that appeal to the reader. These doorways are Character, Story, Setting, and Language. When you analyze what aspect you liked most about the last story you read, it becomes easier to find your next book to enjoy.

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