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Get Ready for NaNoWriMo

Posted Oct 13, 2022

November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). NaNoWriMo is a creative writing project that encourages people to write 50,000 words during the month of November. What began as a small project in 1999, with just a few people participating, has grown into a word-wide annual event in which over 350,000 novels have been completed. Fasten your seatbelts and get ready to write and Plan your NaNoWriMo Novel with author Rochelle Melander on Wednesday, October 26 at 6:30PM. In this kick-off workshop, you’ll work on exercises to help you choose your genre, create characters, and imagine what might happen! Register on our website.

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Back to School

by Liza Glowacki Posted Sep 2, 2022

Say it isn’t so, Summer has come and gone. The last days of August bring in a slight chill to the air as the sun starts to set slightly earlier, but the most exciting thing about August is the return to school!! Have you bought your school supplies yet, are you ready for that meet and greet, toured the school, found out who’s class you are in this year? What about cookies with k4, team practice, the last of the class playdates? There are so many exciting events that welcome you back to a new year of learning and promote the joy of discovering who your new teacher and classmates are, and as exciting as that may be, sometimes all of that may come with some consternations as well. Never fear, here are some book recommendations to ease those worries and help with those big feelings as our little (and big kids) make their way back into the classrooms.

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Summer Storytime Round-Up!

by Taylor Camara Posted Aug 25, 2022

Hi everyone! Ms. Taylor here. The Summer Reading Program Storytime Session at the Whitefish Bay Public Library has finally wrapped up after six (!) wonderful weeks of beautiful weather, sunshine, and lets face it, some rain and thunder outside at School House Park. I'd like to thank all of the friends, families, and storytime go-ers for their patience, participation, and enthusiasm throughout these sessions! I wanted to share some of my favorites titles and themes that I used over the six weeks so you can read or re-create some of the Monday morning storytimes, too.

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Just a Few New Fun Picture Books

by Valerie Morris Posted Aug 19, 2022

Check out some of our new picture books!

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