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Into the Woods!

by Valerie Morris Posted Apr 28, 2021

There is an easy way to relieve our daily stresses from work, school, technology, and the Covid pandemic. The answer is a walk in the woods. The naturalist John Muir once said “Come to the woods, for here is rest. There is no repose like that of the green deep woods. Sleep in forgetfulness of all ill.”

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2021 Virtual Edible Book Festival

by Scott Lenski Posted Apr 19, 2021

Here are the entries for our 2021 Virtual Edible Book Festival. Vote for your favorites now through the end of the day on Sunday, April 25.

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Got a favorite? Try a read alike!

by Kayla Livingston Posted Apr 16, 2021

Having a hard time trying to find your next read? Want something similar to the book you loved and just finished? Here are some of the popular books that you might have read and some books that are similar to them.

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National Library Week

by Scott Lenski Posted Apr 7, 2021

April 4 through April 10 is National Library Week! This is a chance for the community to recognize the value of libraries and to support the library to assure our continued success. There are so many ways to love your library, but here are a few ways to celebrate.

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