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Reading Challenges - Yeah or Nay

by Posted Feb 5, 2024

I like to keep track of what I read on an app mainly because I have reached an age where I can't always remember what I read. This is especially true when a patron or a friend asks me what I have read recently. Then, my mind goes completely blank.

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Transparent Language

by Posted Jan 6, 2024

I firmly believe that the Whitefish Bay Public Library has one of the best websites in the county. It is straightforward, intuitive, and doesn’t bombard you with too much information on the page. Now with that lead in you might think this is an informational blog, a how-to in navigating the site, alas, it is not. Though, if you haven’t explored our website I think you will be amazed by with the wealth of information and resources available to you. A very helpful ‘tab’ on the home or front page of our site.

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Librarians Pick Their Favorite Reads 2024

by Posted Dec 29, 2023

Here is a list of our favorite books read this year.

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Tom Lake

by Posted Dec 9, 2023

One of my favorite books of 2023 is Tom Lake by Ann Patchett. It is set in 2020 during the COVID pandemic. Lara Nelson and her husband Joe own a cherry orchard in northern Michigan. Their three daughters, Emily, Maisie, and Nell have returned home to the family farm as the world shuts down.

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by Posted Nov 21, 2023

I have always loved cemeteries. As a child, I studied the gravestones in the cemetery surrounding our church to learn as much as I could about the lives of the people who came before me. In college, I sought out a cemetery near my school as it was a quiet place to study on warm days. For a break, I often wandered around admiring the sculptures that adorned the graves. To this day, whenever I travel to a new place, I always try to include a cemetery or two on my itinerary.

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National Game and Puzzle week

by Posted Nov 13, 2023

Did you know that the week of November 20-26 is National Game and Puzzle Week? Well, it is! Many folks have been pleasantly surprised, when they have wandered into the adult wing near the reference desk and seen our assortment of games and puzzles. Some having wandered further toward the north end of the adult wing to see an even larger selection of puzzles on the lower lying shelves. We keep a puzzle to be worked on collectively in the north end of the Adult wing, as well. All of the puzzles and games are available to be checked out. Board games are available for check out for one week. Fortunately, for those who check out a 1500- piece puzzle, check out is 3 weeks. Both can be renewed up to 2 times.

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Spooky Reads

by Posted Oct 12, 2023

I always like to read a scary book around this time to get in the spirit of Halloween. I’ve got some good recommendations that may have you keeping the lights on.

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Summer Reading Program 2023

by Posted Jun 12, 2023

Summer reading program is back at the Whitefish Bay Public Library from June 12 through August 26.

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by Posted May 16, 2023

The 811 area of non-fiction, where the poetry books are shelved, is a peaceful place. This seems fitting to me as I seek out poetry when I feel unsettled and want to read words that will help ground me and offer me a new way of thinking about and looking at things. As poetry critic Stephen Burt said in his 2013 TED talk Why People Need Poetry, “Poems can help you say, help you show how you’re feeling, but they can also introduce you to feelings, [to] ways of being in the world, [to] people, very much unlike you, maybe even people from long, long ago.”

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In Their Own Words

by Posted Mar 29, 2023

Sometimes, when I feel a unique combination of not knowing what to read and desiring a little change in my life, I find that a memoir or autobiography is just the fix. I love learning what people have done to overcome adversity, become successful, or lead a unique life.

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by Posted Mar 14, 2023

Humans have practiced beekeeping since the time of the ancient Egyptians over 4,000 years ago. Bees have recently been threatened by “colony collapse disorder” in which the worker bees inexplicably abandon the hive, leaving behind the queen and the larvae. In response to this, urban beekeeping has become more prevalent. Today, beehives can be found on the roofs of buildings in cities all over the world. Here are some books for both adults and children, fiction and non-fiction, that will have you buzzing!

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Blind Date with a Book

by Posted Feb 3, 2023

February is Library Lover's month and we'd like to set you up with a blind date......with a book! Stop by the library, and check out our 'Blind Date with a Book' display. Each 'Blind Date' has been hand picked by a staff member. So you aren't walking in totally blind we've listed the genre and a brief description of the book. Choose a book, check it out, take it home, and unwrap it. Who knows, maybe you'll have a wonderful future together! We've got books for kids, teens and adults! Return the rating card inside by March 8 for your chance at a $25 Kilwins Gift Card.

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Librarians Pick Their Favorites Read in 2022

by Posted Jan 3, 2023

Here is a list of our favorite books read this year.

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by Posted Dec 16, 2022

We all engage in rituals, large and small. The smallest rituals (making our bed) help us organize our days. The larger ones help us make sense of our world. By engaging in the same ritual as our loved ones who are far away, or by repeating a ritual through the generations, we can feel a connection to loved ones who are elsewhere, and to those who have come before us.

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Appreciation is Generative

by Posted Nov 23, 2022

I’m grateful for warm days, bikes, my family and all their quirks; for friends that never leave your side and loyal dogs that love to cuddle. I’m grateful for new books, good food, and movement. What are you grateful for this holiday season? For every one of us the memory and relevance is different, but equally important. Giving thanks and expressing gratitude is one of the simplest forms of joy. It invites others to express their gratitude and is contagious in its form.

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From the Front Lines of NaNoWriMo

by Posted Nov 16, 2022

In case you were not paying attention, November is National Novel Writing Month, when writers all over the world attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in the 30 days of November. I have done this successfully a few times. It is an excellent way to jump start the writing process, as the whole point is to just write as much as you can, without editing or second-guessing yourself. That way, at the end of the month, you have the first draft of your novel, even though it is usually messy and awful.

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Get Ready for NaNoWriMo

by Posted Oct 13, 2022

November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). NaNoWriMo is a creative writing project that encourages people to write 50,000 words during the month of November. What began as a small project in 1999, with just a few people participating, has grown into a word-wide annual event in which over 350,000 novels have been completed. Fasten your seatbelts and get ready to write and Plan your NaNoWriMo Novel with author Rochelle Melander on Wednesday, October 26 at 6:30PM. In this kick-off workshop, you’ll work on exercises to help you choose your genre, create characters, and imagine what might happen! Register on our website.

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Code Talkers

by Posted Aug 10, 2022

August 14th is National Navajo Code Talkers Day, a day to celebrate the contributions made by Native Americans during World War ll. The day was officially recognized in 1982 by President Ronald Reagan and in 2001 President George Bush presented each of the original 29 Navajo marines with a Congressional Gold Medal. The Navajo Code Talkers played a critical role in the war effort by using their complex language for coding and transmitting messages in a time when secrecy was crucial. This code was so complex that it was never broken by the Japanese military. The Navajo Code Talkers transmitted over 800 messages successfully and were instrumental in the success of World War ll. To learn more about these amazing Code Talkers and other spy related novels try:

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National Paperback Book Day

by Posted Jul 25, 2022

July 30th this year is National Paperback Book Day. I don’t know about you but this is something that I celebrate almost every day. I thought I would share a little bit about what is going on in the Romance section of the library.

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Read the Rainbow for Pride Month

by Posted Jun 18, 2022

June is Pride month, celebrating all things LGBTQIA+. Pride month was started to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. It is celebrated in small and large cities across the United States. Milwaukee has its own Pride celebration at the Summerfest grounds and it is usually the first festival of the season. Librarians Scott and Valerie have assembled a list of titles featuring LGBTQIA+ characters.

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Father's Day

by Posted Jun 10, 2022

The nation’s first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910. However, it was not until 1972 that the day honoring fathers became a nationwide holiday in the United States. This year, Father’s Day falls on Sunday, June 19. Here are some books, both fiction and nonfiction, that feature fathers.

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Read Your Way Through the Classics in Graphic Style

by Posted May 28, 2022

Ever want to revisit the classics or read a classic that you never got around to but just don’t have the time? Ever think I wouldn’t mind reading Beowulf but I don’t have the patience for the old English version? Then reading the classics in graphic form might be a good fit for you. Graphic novels are all the rage right now with publishers re-releasing classics in graphic format for middle grade, young adult and adult readers. Everything from the Odyssey to The Handmaid’s Tale is being converted to this new style of literature.

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New Nonfiction for adults

by Posted Apr 19, 2022

Here are some recently added titles that will be going onto my TBR list.

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Pick your doorway

by Posted Apr 9, 2022

Librarians are often asked, “Can you recommend a book for me?” With so many books to choose from the list can get pretty long before finding a good fit for a patron. Therefore, librarians often rely on the Four Doorways method created by librarian Nancy Pearl. The four doorways represent different aspects of a fiction or narrative non-fiction book that appeal to the reader. These doorways are Character, Story, Setting, and Language. When you analyze what aspect you liked most about the last story you read, it becomes easier to find your next book to enjoy.

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Out of this World Reads

by Posted Apr 4, 2022

News got you down? Need an escape from reality? I’ve got the genre just for you! Travel the universe, experience first contact, and fight a battle against aliens with some science fiction. As the genre diversifies, there are some great new authors to check out and travel out of this world.

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Contemporary Irish Authors

by Posted Mar 21, 2022

It’s March, so that means the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. In honor of that, I wanted to mention some contemporary Irish authors that you may or may not be familiar with.

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Love and Other Disasters

by Posted Feb 14, 2022

Do you love cooking shows and cute romance novels? Then this is the book for you. Try out Love & other disasters by Anita Kelly. This cute queer romance covers all the emotional bases for an excellent romcom. The characters are strong, the plot is light, and the background is original. It’s perfect for a Valentine’s day read or listen. Spend your day with a good book and treat yourself to some sugary sweets while you chow down on this great read.

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Black History Month

by Posted Feb 4, 2022

February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate the achievements of those in the African-American community, and recognize their many contributions to our society. Black History Month was founded in 1926 by historian Carter G. Woodson as a way to educate the public on the significant role African-Americans have played in our country’s history. The month of February was chosen by Woodson because it is the birth month of President Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, both of whom fought for civil rights. Black History Month was made a month of national observance in 1976 by President Gerald Ford, and every year there is a theme for Black History Month; this year’s theme is “Black Health and Wellness”.

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Staff Picks of 2021 - Part Two

by Posted Jan 5, 2022

Staff of the Whitefish Bay Public Library choose their favorite reads in 2021.

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Staff Picks of 2021 - Part One

by Posted Dec 28, 2021

Staff of the Whitefish Bay Public Library choose their favorite reads in 2021.

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I’m Looking for Something Good to Read

by Posted Dec 21, 2021

Nowadays, it is possible to learn about new books from a variety of sources – the New York Times, Twitter, Book Riot, the website of a favorite author, and your friendly booksellers at your local independent bookstore. Librarians can also be a useful resource to find about your next great read. Some of us, ok me, really love to do this. In the library world, recommending books is referred to as Reader’s Advisory, and we can even take classes in it at Library School.

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Windows, Mirrors, and Sliding Glass Doors

by Posted Dec 14, 2021

What do windows, mirrors, and sliding glass door have to do with reading? This phrase was first coined in 1990 by Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop to explain how children learn about themselves and those around them through literature. Books that act as windows give children (and adults) a view into a world that is different from their own. Here the reader can learn about different cultures and experiences outside of their normal everyday life. Books that act as sliding glass doors work similar to windows but allow the reader to be fully immersed in a book, using their imagination to travel back and forth between the two worlds. Books that act as mirrors are reflections of the reader. When readers see themselves in books, they feel valued and understood.

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Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street?

by Posted Nov 10, 2021

The children’s show Sesame Street premiered on public television stations on November 10, 1969. It takes place along a city street, featuring a diverse cast of humans and puppets. The show reached its 52nd season in 2021. It was the first television program of its kind to base its content and production values on laboratory and formative research.

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Foodie Book Club

by Posted Oct 14, 2021

Getting tired of your same old book club? Why not try spicing it up (literally!) with some food? For a creative twist at your next book club meeting try adding some of the food and drinks that come from the setting of your novel.

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Horror reads

by Posted Oct 2, 2021

It’s time to get SPOOKY! Halloween is this librarian's favorite holiday. We watch scary movies to help put us in the October mood so let’s check out some creepy reads.

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National Voter Registration Month

by Posted Sep 16, 2021

September is here, and that means it is National Voter Registration Month. This observance was established in 2002 by the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) to encourage participation and increase awareness of the voter registration process. It’s an opportunity to remind people to get registered or check their registration status. Whether you are a new voter just turning 18, a new citizen to the United States, or even a formerly apathetic person with a newfound interest in politics, the library has many sources to help you understand the voting process.

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Take and Tinker: Sewing Machine

by Posted Sep 3, 2021

Sewing is a fun, creative, relaxing, and easy (once you get the hang of it) craft to learn. It is also very satisfying to create something with your own hands for yourself and for others. You can sew clothes for yourself or your kids, home décor, stuffed animals, and much more! Sewing is also a great craft to teach children for building on creativity and problem solving abilities to practicing fine-motor skills.

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Books As Therapy

by Posted Aug 12, 2021

Can fiction books really help you feel better? Using books as therapy has actually been around since the ancient Greeks, it was used after World War l and World War ll to help returning soldiers deal with post-traumatic stress disorder, and is currently used in educational settings as therapy for school-aged children. While non-fiction, self-help books are commonly sought after by individuals looking for help dealing with a specific issue, fiction books are quickly becoming a source of therapy for these same concerns.

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We LOVE our Wisconsin Authors

by Posted Jul 19, 2021

One of the projects that I have been working on at the library is a spreadsheet of all of the Wisconsin authors that we have in our collection. I am marking the physical books with a sticker that says Wisconsin Author. We are by no means representing all of the authors in the world that have a Wisconsin connection, but just that ones that we have in our collection at the Whitefish Bay Public Library. Much of the initial research was done by Samantha Spottek, who was one of our librarians, but has taken another job up north. I have added to her list and verified the residence or connection of these writers to our state.

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Fall Book Preview

by Posted Jun 21, 2021

Summer has officially begun. While I love the warmer weather and spending time outside, my favorite season is fall because that’s when many big authors drop their new books! We recently ordered a bunch fall releases and while it’s still months before you can dive in, you can go into CountyCat now and place a hold. Get on the list early and you’ll be reading your favorite author’s book right after the release date.

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Staycation Summer Reads

by Posted Jun 14, 2021

Not quite ready to travel by plane, train or automobile? Let books transport you to distant lands and powdery, sandy beaches while you stay snug and safe at home. There are some great new fiction and non-fiction books that will make you feel like you’ve vacationed in Australia or Greece or walked on the sandy beaches of Hawaii without ever leaving your home.

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Cozy Mysteries

by Posted May 6, 2021

Love mysteries and thrillers but don’t like all the violence and scary plotlines they usually have? Then Cozy Mysteries may be for you! Cozy Mysteries are a subgenre of mystery novels and are a gentler version of graphic crime dramas. Usually the violence is minimal, the detectives are amateurs and the setting takes place in a small, cozy community. These novels involve a puzzle to be solved with clues interspersed throughout the storyline and have a clear conclusion at the end as to whodunit and why. The main protagonist in the story is rarely a professional and is more than likely to be a community member that stumbles upon a clue and feels compelled to investigate the situation. Most protagonists are women like the famous Miss Marple but they can also have animals as main characters as in Purr M for Murder, the first book in the Cat Rescue Mystery series by T.C. LoTempio, in which Toby the cat helps his owner solve a mystery.

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Got a favorite? Try a read alike!

by Posted Apr 16, 2021

Having a hard time trying to find your next read? Want something similar to the book you loved and just finished? Here are some of the popular books that you might have read and some books that are similar to them.

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Book Rec- Honey Girl

by Posted Apr 1, 2021

Morgan Rogers novel Honey Girl is the perfect read for anyone that is between the ages of 28-31 or remembers that age. The main character, Grace Porter is a recent PhD graduate in Astronomy and is having a bit of a life crisis. After years of having a plan and structure Grace is suddenly taken out of that element and thrust into a job field that isn’t ready to accept a black, lesbian woman. While on a girls trip to Vegas to celebrate her recent graduation Grace meets and drunkenly marries Yuki Yamamoto, a waitress and night talk show host from New York.

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A Trio of Local Authors

by Posted Mar 23, 2021

Wisconsin is home to many talented writers, three of whom have books out right now. Some are on the New York Times bestsellers list. They are Lauren Fox, Anuradha D. Rajurkar, and Christina Clancy. The first two live in Shorewood, and Clancy grew up in Milwaukee and currently resides in Madison.

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March Mystery Madness

by Posted Mar 15, 2021

You may have heard of March Madness for basketball but have you heard of March Mystery Madness at the library? March is a great time of the year to enjoy a good mystery and libraries across the country use this month to focus on the Mystery genre. Mysteries are a form of literature that typically involve a crime or circumstance that needs to be solved. Mysteries can include the supernatural and usually have a suspect that the story revolves around.

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Staff Picks of 2020 Part 2

by Posted Jan 14, 2021

Staff of the Whitefish Bay Public Library choose their favorite reads in 2020.

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Pandemic Reading

by Posted Nov 10, 2020

One of the few bright spots of the pandemic is that I have more time to read. It also helps that I graduated from grad school in May and no longer have studying to do or papers to write. According to my Goodreads account where I keep track of the books I read, I have read 80 books in 2020. I thought I would mention a few of the ones that I thought really stood out. They are listed in the order in which I read them.

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Scary Reads for Halloween

by Posted Oct 30, 2020

Halloween is the perfect time to read a scary story, although I enjoy them any time of the year. I find horror novels are great escapism, especially if they have fantasy elements that veer theses far from reality. Here are a few reads that kept me up late but had me leaving the lights on at bedtime.

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Historical Fiction-Adventures from the Past

by Posted Aug 13, 2020

I have always loved history! I enjoy learning about events of the past and historical fiction transports the reader back in time giving one a front row seat to the past. Authors spend countless hours researching documents, written text and sources from the time to paint as complete a picture as possible of the events of the day. The authors give voice to the characters of the past as they bring history to life in a way that non-fiction is unable to do. By giving dialogue to the characters of the past, the reader feels like they are witnessing the private life of Abe Lincoln as he struggles to govern a nation torn by Civil War, or the Lindberghs as they grapple with the kidnapping of their only child, or what life was like in a concentration camp in The Tattooist of Auschwitz

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Graphic Novels for Adults

by Posted Jul 22, 2020

Graphic novels are not just for kids and teens, there are plenty of graphic novels for adults. They’re also not just a medium for fiction, some graphic novels are a great way to showcase history without the heavy text of a book. Here are a couple new graphic novels that I’m looking forward to reading this summer.

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Mystery Book Club

by Posted Nov 15, 2019

It appears that winter is upon us even at this early pre-Thanksgiving date. It’s cold, snowy, and dark, and I want to put on my fuzziest pajamas and not leave the house until May. This is not a good state of affairs. Winters in Wisconsin are too long to give in completely. It’s important to keep active, get out of the house, and see other people. One way to do this is to check out the free programs and activities that we offer at the library.

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The Library Book

by Posted Jul 26, 2019

The Library Book by Susan Orlean came out last year and is primarily about a terrible fire that destroyed a large part of the Los Angeles Central Library on April 28, 1986. If you lived in another part of the country at that time, you might not have not heard about it as the news was eclipsed by Chernobyl. Many papers did not mention the fire until a few days later, and then not on the front page.

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Stories of Refugees

by Posted Jul 23, 2019

Here are some book recommendations that shed light on the refugee experience.

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Something to Be Merry About

by Posted Jun 14, 2019

Here we are- in June- Wedding Season for many families including mine. It comes with excitement and joy, hope and good feelings for the young couples. It also brings back sweet memories of the old days. Good romantic movies or books are a great inspiration for recreating that spirit. I am tempted to take a memory walk through some oldies that will put me in the right spot in preparation for this season.

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Nonfiction Reads for the Summer

by Posted May 29, 2019

Now that I’ve completed my education I’ve decided to tackle that HUGE to be read (TBR) pile that I’ve started. I got into non-fiction by researching environmental history for an independent study in my undergraduate degree. This has led to me branching out in various historical periods that I may have otherwise over looked. Oral history is a large part of non-fiction that I consume; most of the books I read involve intimate stories from people affected by the events being discussed. The following books have a mix of historical research and oral history that combine for an easy and intimate read.

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Spring and Summer Reading

by Posted Apr 15, 2019

There is only about a month left in the spring semester at UWM, and that means that soon I will be free from academic responsibilities for the summer. I haven’t been this excited about a summer off since I was a kid. For some people, summer means family vacations, camping, and all kinds of outdoor activities. For me, it means more time to read! Here are some of the titles coming out this summer that I am excited about.

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Mystery Book Club

by Posted Feb 24, 2019

I will be hosting a new mystery book club on Thursday evenings starting on March 7, at 7 pm. I have chosen the first three mysteries as a jumping off point. It is my hope that if we have regular attendees, then we can vote on which titles we would like to read. Here are some other mysteries that I have read and enjoyed, and some that I would like to explore.

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A Glass of Wine to Match with a Good Movie

by Posted Feb 15, 2019

Staying home and indoors this cold winter will find you sometimes in the mood for a good glass of wine with your better half and needing a good movie to go with it. Being Valentine season you can dream together of nice, warmer places , with nice vineyards and a good glass of wine.

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Winter is Coming: Book Recs for Game of Thrones fans

by Posted Feb 6, 2019

Winter is here and for those of you that are Game of Thrones, fans winter is also coming in April with the premiere of the final season. So while you’re trying to stay warm curl up on the couch and travel to Westeros. Rewatch all your favorite episodes by checking out the DVDs we have all the seasons just waiting for you. If you’re looking to start your yearly reading goal with a challenge stop by and grab copies of the books, use Libby to check out the E-book and E-Audiobook versions. Whatever you need to get you through til April.

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Favorite Reads of 2018

by Posted Dec 29, 2018

The librarians of the Whitefish Bay Public Library pick their favorite reads of 2018.

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World War II: Riveting Fiction and Nonfiction about the Second Great World War

by Posted Dec 17, 2018

The display in front of the reference desk on the adult side is a perennial favorite - World War II. Both fiction stories and nonfiction books about the Second World are always popular. I like historical fiction myself, and I chose one of my favorite novels of all time - The Illusion of Separateness by Simon Van Booy.

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Science Fiction Favorites

by Posted Nov 1, 2018

I like a story that takes me far and away from Earth’s atmosphere. It can be fun to fantasize about the future and imagine what life lived in space will look like. Science fiction has grown in popularity over the years and shows such as Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and more recently The Expanse have brought this genre to larger audiences. There are a lot of exciting and adventure filled space operas that have been published in the last few years. Here are a few of my favorite sci-fi series novels.

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True Crime Documentaries

by Posted Oct 27, 2018

People everywhere have been anxiously waiting for season two of Netflix’s original true crime show, Making a Murderer. In this show the reporter examines the life of Steven Avery, who spent almost two decades in prison for a crime he did not commit. It also examines the possibility of his involvement with a missing woman, Teresa Halback, last seen on his property. Avery’s story has caught attention of Wisconsin residents in particular because he is from Manitowoc County. Now that season two has been released you might be looking for your next true crime fix.

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Exciting Nonfiction Reads

by Posted Sep 25, 2018

Enjoy the mix of knowledge and storytelling with these great non-fiction reads.

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Last Chance for Big Summer Reads

by Posted Aug 16, 2018

As the summer winds down, I realized that one of my favorite things in the Youth Services department is when a family comes in before a vacation, and each kid leaves with a teetering stack of books, having been instructed by their parents to get enough for a week or 10 days. It is clear that they are headed to some idyllic spot with no Internet, and the family will have to entertain themselves without screens or devices. As adults, we rarely have this kind of time to devote to reading, and it really is a shame that we get distracted by work, household chores and Netflix. What would you choose to read if you had an uninterrupted week to do so?

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My Favorites

by Posted Aug 9, 2018

Recently there has been a Facebook trend going around asking you to post your seven favorite books without comment. As an aspiring librarian I thought it would be a better idea to encourage others to post their favorite books and why. So here are seven books that have helped me on my path to becoming a librarian.

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Is Listening to Audiobooks Really Considered Reading?

by Posted Jul 16, 2018

I don’t know why this continues to be an argument among book folk. There seem to be two sides to this argument. Those of us who adore audiobooks and listen to them whenever we can, most definitely consider them to be reading, and the other side who does not.

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Summer Reads

by Posted Jun 11, 2018

Now is the time of year when all of the summer reading lists appear, so we will supply a short list of fun summer reads that you can find here at the Whitefish Bay Public Library or in the Library System.

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The Great American Read

by Posted May 14, 2018

This year PBS is airing The Great American Read, a series of programs “which celebrates the power, passion and joy of reading through the lens of America's 100 best-loved books as chosen by the public.” This is an opportunity for those who love books and literature to engage in a national conversation about our favorite books.

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May the Fourth Be with You

by Posted Apr 30, 2018

On May 4th the library is throwing a party to celebrate all things Star Wars--May the 4th be With You! Star Wars is so much more than just the films. There are animated TV series, movie novelizations, graphic novels, video games, and more, and they all help expand the Star Wars universe we all know and love. Below is a sampling of the many Star Wars books and films (for children and adults) we have at the library.

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Read Local

by Posted Apr 13, 2018

Interested in reading local? The last few years there have been a number of really great books that are written by Wisconsinites. Whether you like fiction or nonfiction, mystery or graphic novels, there’s something here for everyone.

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Books That Your Bookclub Needs to Read

by Posted Apr 6, 2018

Are you in a book club book or are thinking of joining one? Perhaps you need some new titles to fill out your reading list? Here are several books have been making the rounds in book clubs throughout the country, and a couple of these titles are ones we’ve featured (or are about to feature )at our tea time book club here at Whitefish Bay Library.

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4 Audiobooks Perfect for a Road Trip

by Posted Mar 29, 2018

Driving somewhere for spring break? Try one of these great audiobooks!

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Cult Classic Novels

by Posted Feb 8, 2018

There are certain novels that almost everyone has read by the time they reach adulthood either because they are assigned it in school or because they are classics that are passed among friends and family. Titles that include “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “A Brave New World” and “Slaughterhouse Five.” But there are plenty of other titles that also deserve cult classic status but are slightly less well known.

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Pride and Prejudice Reboots

by Posted Jan 31, 2018

Jane Austen’s charming comedies of manners have delighted and entertained us since the 19th century. Since the publication of Pride and Prejudice in 1813, countless retellings and reimagined versions of the novel have been written. It seems like we just can’t get enough of the story of Mr. Darcy and Lizzy Bennet. Here are some recent adaptations of everyone’s favorite regency romance.

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Favorite Films of 2017

by Posted Dec 28, 2017

As winter settles in we are looking more and more for good “escapes” in the comfort of our homes. Here are some of my favorite movies of 2017 that you can find on our library shelves.

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Comics and Graphic Novels on Hoopla

by Posted Dec 21, 2017

One of the recent major arrivals on the digital download resource Hoopla is Marvel Comics. Notable additions include the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Avengers, and Star Wars comics. I have highlighted some of the comics and graphic novels available through Hoopla, both from Marvel and other publishers.

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New Historical Fiction

by Posted Dec 14, 2017

Historical fiction has always been one of my favorite genres, and 2017 has been a great year for new books in this genre. Read about a few that have captured the imagination of readers across the world.

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All-Time Favorite Reads

by Posted Dec 7, 2017

Emma is currently our Youth Services Intern as she studies for her Master in Library and Information Science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. This week she shares some of her all-time favorite reads.

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Upcoming Book to TV Adaptations

by Posted Nov 28, 2017

We are in a golden age of television. Long episodic storytelling is very fashionable and we’re seeing a lot of books being adapted in TV shows for network, cable channels, as well as streaming services. Television does a great job of translating books onto the small screen in comparison to feature films because TV can take it’s time telling the story. When you’ve got a 700 page book, there is so much left out of a 2-hour film adaptation. Get your Tivo or DVR ready for these upcoming book to TV adaptations.

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Engaging Nonfiction

by Posted Aug 31, 2017

Currently, I’ve been reading a lot of nonfiction, and my reading list has included some of the current (New York Times) bestselling titles. This list includes a variety of genres-from science to social justice to biography.

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Shōnen Manga

by Posted Aug 24, 2017

Manga encompasses a myriad of genres, from science fiction and fantasy to mysteries, sports, and realistic fiction (often labeled slice of life), to name a few. It’s also often grouped into broad demographic categories: shōnen (“young boys’ manga”), shōjo (“young girls’ manga”), seinen, and josei (manga for young adult men and women, respectively). These categories are mainly used by publishers and aren’t exactly genres unto themselves—you’re just as likely to see fantasy shōjo manga as slice of life shōnen manga, and they appeal to readers of all ages, regardless of gender.

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Solar Eclipse

by Posted Aug 10, 2017

You’ve probably heard about the upcoming solar eclipse on August 21. In Southeastern Wisconsin we will see a partial solar eclipse with the moon covering about 85% of the sun. The eclipse will begin at 11:53am and end at 2:40pm. The maximum coverage of the sun by the moon will take place at 1:18pm. If you want to view the eclipse be sure to get a pair of solar viewing glasses. It is unsafe to look directly at the sun because of the ultraviolet light, but certified solar eclipse glasses protect your eyes. Here are a few reading recommendations to prepare for the solar eclipse.

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Feel Good Fantasy and Science Fiction

by Posted May 25, 2017

Dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction are popular these days (The Handmaid’s Tale, anyone?), but sometimes we need an escape from the doom and gloom. For weary souls, here are some tales that offer something beyond darkness. These stories aren’t conflict-free (that would make for a boring novel!) but they ooze warmth, humor, compassion, and above all, optimism. These character-driven stories are all about building bridges, not burning them.

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Book Club Title Swap

by Posted May 4, 2017

Are you in a book club? Does your book club want to read the newest titles on the best seller list? There can be long waits at the library for the hottest reads, which doesn’t work when you only have a month or so to read a book. Need some other ideas? Here are some suggestions that will still have that book club appeal but don’t come with that long waiting list.

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Scandinavian Mysteries

by Posted Apr 20, 2017

Everyone enjoys a good mystery now and then (or if you’re like my Dad, that’s all he reads). With this in mind, here are five excellent mysteries by Scandinavian authors that you can find on the shelves at Whitefish Bay Public Library. Enjoy!

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Black History Month

by Posted Feb 9, 2017

This is a good opportunity to highlight some great books written by black authors. I think it’s important to read books by diverse authors and Black History Month is a great reminder that we should incorporate authors of color into our reading all year long. Here are some of my picks.

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Stay Warm with these Hot Movies

by Posted Feb 2, 2017

Living in Wisconsin, with hard and long winters, it is particularly conducive to spend time indoors and find a pleasant way to forget about the weather. Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes and probably of many of yours. Blockbuster titles are familiar to many of you, so this time I chose to highlight some of the lesser known titles that we added to our collection hoping that they might inspire you to try them.

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Discover Your Universe @ the Library

by Posted Jan 26, 2017

Our universe is full of mysteries and what better way to explore than in a book. Until space travel becomes commonplace, books may be the only way for us Earthlings to explore the starry skies.

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Book Club Favorites

by Posted Jan 6, 2017

Over the past two years, I’ve led a book club discussion once a month and I thought it might be interesting to share some of my favorite titles that we’ve read. My selections included some nonfiction as well as fiction. All of the titles were published in the past five years, and only a few were bestsellers.

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Librarians Favorite Books of the Year

by Posted Dec 27, 2016

Librarians pick their favorite books read this year.

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Audiobook Recommendations

by Posted Dec 8, 2016

Do you have a long and looming card ride in your future? Help to pass the time by listening to an audiobook. We’ve got quite a few new titles to keep you tuned in during your drive.

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